Life Sciences

Detect and classify defects using photoluminescence and fluorescence illumination.


Multiwavelength support

Automatically inspect samples using visible and UV wavelengths.

Sample support

Support for diverse sample types and flexible materials including microfluidics, Lab-on-a-Chip, and medical devices on wafers.

AI-powered defect classification

Quickly classify defects with nTelligence.

Recommended Product


The nSpec PRISM is the ideal inspection system for life science applications with UV and IR illumination capabilities.

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Automated optical inspection tool, nSpec PRISMAutomated optical inspection tool, nSpec PRISM

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Shared Visions: Art, Science, and Industry

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Matthew Putman, CEO and co-founder of Nanotronics, speaking at SciCon, or Scientific Controversies, at Pioneer WorksMatthew Putman, CEO and co-founder of Nanotronics, speaking at SciCon, or Scientific Controversies, at Pioneer Works

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View of samples processing in lab on an automated inspection device. Transport to analyzer.View of samples processing in lab on an automated inspection device. Transport to analyzer.
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