Silicon Carbide
Power electronics
Power electronics
Identifying critical defects in silicon carbide
Robust hardware
Nanotronics has designed configurations specific for use with SiC substrate, epi, and devices.
Transmitted light and cross polarized illumination
nSpec can accurately detect and classify subtle crystallographic defects such as micropipes.
System Highlights
The nSpec PRISM offers a complete solution for compound semiconductor front-end wafer production, from unpolished substrates to epitaxy and device manufacturing.
System highlights

Automatically detect and classify
Crystalline defects
nSpec can detect stacking faults and other crystalline defects in the bulk of the material.
On etched wafers, detect defect types by shape and provide counts, sizes, and locations for all defects, such as threading edge dislocations and threading screw dislocations.
Accurately detect and classify subtle crystallographic defects. covering virtually the full area of the wafer.
Gallium Nitride on Silicon Carbide
Grow gallium nitride epitaxy on silicon carbide substrate for your power electronics.
Detecting cracks
Differentiate between cracks and slip lines, a crucial step in improving GaN manufacturing.
Detecting slip lines
Slip lines are subsurface lines resulting from shear stress in the silicon substrate itself.
Lattice mismatch
Easily identify lattice mismatch and thermal stress from a difference in thermal expansion coefficients.
V-pit or inverted pyramids
Identify defects that will cause voltage leaks.